

Prioritization of new projects


AkzoNobel needed help to analyze what projects in their portfolio that they should invest in and not. Since they had the feeling that they took their decisions based on what the chemists and engineers thought was right, they needed someone with other perspectives who took other parameters in consideration.


Googol, together with AkzoNobel, agreed upon what criteras that should be used to evaluate projects. New, fixed, clear criteras was set and communicated internally. The different criterias was also ranked in how important they were in addition to each other.

Moreover, during this project both Googol and AkzoNobel had to evaluate AkzoNobels different projects based on the new model in order to compare the different results.


A new perspective on how to evaluate and compare projects. A new model for evaluating projects was built.

The result when comparing existing projects was that both Googol and AkzoNobel agreed on which two projects that they should invest in.



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