Max Competitive Edge with Big Data Analytics
Prepare for a competitive shift in business. Companies that develop their capabilities to use big data analytics in their daily and long term strategic decision process will gain competitive advantage. How will you and your company start to master analytics and become a Big Data Analytics Leader in your industry sector?
Robert R. Urbaniak and Niclas Zachrisson have made research in the area of innovation and big data analytics.
– Future business will be about mastering data. Your company’s in-house data and external data sources can tell you about your customers’ and business partners’ future preferences, says Robert R. Urbaniak. You need to be on top of that development and be a champion in predicting your ever-changing business landscape.
During their master studies at KTH in Stockholm, Robert R. Urbaniak and Niclas Zachrisson partnered with Googol.
– Googol is one of the leading innovation management firms in the Nordics, says Niclas Zachrisson. Googols contribution has been one of the success factors to our study. Googol’s Innovation Specialists’ have shared their insights and Robert and I have been introduced to Googol’s wide network of Innovation Directors at leading Nordic companies.
Bold innovation paths with Big Data Analytics
– If you start working with big data you will be able to see your customers’ changing behaviours earlier and you can bring that knowledge and trend spotting into the innovation process, says Robert R. Urbaniak. We are beginning to see the benefits of these practices in both B2B as well as B2C industries e.g. in the media, health and retail sectors. Big Data is a very valuable tool for the entire organization, from the Board of Directors and Management Teams to decision makers throughout the organization. You get figures to back up your strategic and operational decisions.
Roskilde Festival – Better Party with Big Data
The yearly festival at Roskilde in Denmark has become big business that needs handling to deliver profits. The festival’s management became one of the first in the industry to see the benefits of analytics to drive internal and external value. Today, most companies have more data easy accessible than they are aware of. With sensor devices, even Internet of Things (IoT) sensors installed in the companies physical environments and mobile apps delivering real time updates from their customers’ mobile phones data creation is accelerating forward.
Winning the game with analytics
Is it cheating to win the game using data? Of course not. However, knowledge is power. In business, in sports, everywhere.
In the Oakland California, general manager Billie Bean used analytics to come up with new ways how the Oakland Athletics team could win the game. He disrupted his organization and the industry by using analytics to drive changes in everything from strategy, tactics, team rosters and even positions of players. He knew more about the players’ than they did themselves. The numbers where talking. Bad old patterns could be broken. The game could be won in new ways.
Why is it not enough to look at reports and make decisions from that?
– That’s old school. Today, you need to be curious and work dynamically with the data. Like a crime detective. Connecting the data, the dots between unpredicted data sources, new business opportunities will occur.
Curious about Big Data Analytics and Innovation? Contact Shirine Bauer at Googol.
“Big Data, Big Business”
June started at Googol with a crowded Brown Bag lunch seminar on Big Data starring Robert R. Urbaniak and Niclas Zachrisson from KTH.
– Big data analytics is big business, says Carina Axelsson, Senior Digital Advisor at Googol. Companies that use data analytics get a competitive edge and can differentiate quicker.
Googol brings in big data in the innovation process
– Robert and Niclas’ research show that big data insights can help companies to start new business innovation projects with better accuracy, says Carina Axelsson. We recommend our customers to include big data insights to their innovation work. New facts and evolving patterns can inspire to new business and help to leave current business that are about to become obsolete.